Simply Real Faith

Encouraging and Equipping Women through Biblical Discipleship

He will lead you through

I couldn’t see through the windshield.  The rain was coming down so hard I thought the glass might break.  The road ahead was a blur and fear gripped me. The semi-trucks rolling past were just throwing more water into the path and rocking our vehicle.  Cars around us were moving slowly with their flashers on.   Finally, I gave in and pulled over near a bridge with many others.  We weren’t the first to pull over, so we remained in the path of the storm with no covering, anxiously waiting for it to pass. 

Have you ever been caught driving in such a storm?   That storm happened while we were driving home after a long weekend away.  We were about 40 minutes from our destination and had to pull over on the Interstate.  The rain pelting the car was loud and came down without ceasing.  My then 3-year-old daughter woke from her nap and asked why we were in the carwash.  It brought a giggle to our tense situation, which was something that we needed.   My anxiety started to level off as I explained to her what was going on and everyone in the car prayed together.

Daily Storms

There are days when everything on my to-do list including appointments, family stuff, work stuff, and all of the other things come at the windshield of my life and obstruct my view.  Unable to see where I’m headed, frustration gets the best of me as I try to make my way through all of it.  One phone call can splash more water on my windshield and rock my day.   The needs of others come rolling by me with their hazard lights on.   I want to help but my own vision is obstructed.  

It’s time to pull over, breathe and allow the storm to pass.  I remember the innocent question, why are we in the carwash?   I prayerfully hand everything over to Jesus.  Trusting him to be the windshield wipers of my life; helping me to see a clear path through all the things on my list.  He helps me decide what is necessary right then.  What can I move to tomorrow?  What can I cross off altogether?   Then through Him, I can make a better plan for the future and try to plan my days, weeks, and months better. 

God is there

There will always be storms.  Some will be horrendous and seem out of control.  Others move through fast and furious.  Through all of them, God will be there.  He rules over the storms.  He doesn’t always stop the storm; sometimes he stills the storm to a whisper.  If we only call out to Him, he will help us through.   The storms in our lives are a part of what builds our character and strengthens our faith.  It’s what we do in the midst of the storms that either brings growth or despair.   We learn to lean on Him.  To trust that He is with us and that He will see us through to the other side.   


The rain that day let up enough that we felt comfortable driving again. It didn’t stop, but we could see a glimpse of blue sky up ahead.   The horizon held promise as we kept moving toward it. Making our way home we gave thanks to the Lord, for keeping us from disaster. 

The next time you find yourself overwhelmed with life, in the middle of a storm, no matter how big or how small,  lean on Him.  He is there with you, wanting you to cry out to him.

Psalms 107:28-31 (NIV)

Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress.  He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.  They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.  Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.  

Check out this article about Choosing Trust here: Choosing Trust (even when your adult children push you away) –

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Welcome to my blog!  I write about my own experiences in my walk with Jesus.     I am saved by the grace of God through his son Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit.  I sit in the seat next to you at church. Praising, worshipping and learning right by your side.   If I am not in the service, I most likely can be found cooking up something in the church kitchen.  Come along with me and worship the Lord!  Let us exalt His name together!  If you’d like to receive notifications of new posts in your inbox, please leave your information below.   

Be who God made you to be!  ~  xoxo Jo   

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